Friday, February 18, 2011

Home Is Where The Heart[beat] Is

PA while ago we purchased a home doppler - the Sonoline B 3mhz - and sadly never got to use it... until now. After my doctor tried so halfheartedly to find the heartbeat at my appointment last week, I decided to wait a few days and then give it a try myself :o) Needless to say, I am clearly better at this than my trained medical professional, because I was able to find the heartbeat with my own home doppler.

Here is a video of baby's first heartbeat at 9w5d on Valentine's Day 2011!

disclaimer: apologies for the poor sound quality (and my lovely pajamas ;o) - I know there's some static and a lot of background noise, but if you turn your volume up and listen carefully, you can heart the heartbeat.

Pretty cool, huh?!

At our last ultrasound, baby's heartbeat was at ~178bpm and according to this machine, it is currently around ~166bpm. Now, old wives tales say that anything above 140bpm will be a girl... interesting...

1 comment:

dave and jenn said...

That's awesome! What a strong heartbeat - I would guess girl for sure. :)