30 before 30

In honor of officially being in my mid-twenties, and now being able to see age 30 in the near future... I thought it was time to set some goals and starting working towards them over the course of the next few years :o) Hence "30 before 30" a.k.a. 30 goals before age 30!

Follow along with me, as we hopefully cross some things off of my "to-do list"!

Mind, Body & Soul
1. Lose 60 lbs
2. Workout 3 times a week
3. Read 1 book a month
4. Go to church once a month

Love & Marriage
5. Have a "date night" once a month
6. Take up a hobby together
7. Do something special for anniversaries
8. Become parents

Money Matters
9. Pay off credit cards
10. Establish a monthly budget
11. Start a savings plan
12. Start a retirement plan 

Home Is Where The Heart Is
13. Finish our master bedroom
14. Lay our backyard patio
15. Finish the basement
16. Install central AC
17. Remodel our kitchen

All Work, No Play
18. Buy a digital SLR camera (completed 1/17/2011)
19. Take up photography as a hobby
20. Start an Etsy shop to showcase my crafts 

Hit The Open Road
21. Go on vacation at least once a year
22. Start a newlywed travel map (completed 7/17/2010)

I ♥ Food
23. Cook one new recipe a month
24. Bake one new treat each month
25. Take a cooking class
26. Take a baking/pastry class
27. Take a cake decorating class

Friends & Family
28. Have a "girls night" once a month
29. Entertain friends at our house once a month
30. Host family for dinner at our house once a month